Pittsburgh advanced receiver Tyler Boyd is as abutting as the New England Patriots are acceptable to get to a absolute fit for their breach in the additional annular of the 2016 NFL Draft.

He doesn’t accept the aristocratic downfield acceleration of a No. 1 advanced receiver (4.58-second 40-yard dash), nor does he accept
aristocratic admeasurement (6-foot-1, 197 pounds, 32-inch arms); but what he lacks in size, he makes up for with toughness, competitiveness, and aciculate avenue running.

“I anticipate he can affected some of his acceleration deficiencies with acceptable routes and he has duke backbone like (Jarvis) Landry in Miami,” an AFC East advance said to NFL.com’s Lance Zierlein. “I would yield him in the additional or third.”

It’s never been about ambit with the Patriots. Otherwise, receivers like Wes Welker, Julian Edelman, and Danny Amendola would never accept amounted to anything.

It’s about getting able to run assorted routes, getting smart, compassionate how to get open, and communicable the brawl if it’s befuddled your way. Those are all areas area Boyd has excelled. According to stats website Pro Football Focus, Boyd alone just 10 of the 182 catchable passes befuddled his way from 2014-15. He aswell has the versatility to band up on the alfresco or inside, as approved by 318 of his 589 snaps advancing on the abuttals with addition 223 in the slot.

He’s not a big-play threat, with an boilerplate of just 10 yards per bolt on 94 receptions in 2015. A lot of of his routes are aural seven yards of the band of scrimmage, but if has that chock-full a receiver from getting acknowledged with the Patriots?

Besides Boyd’s accessible qualifications, the Patriots arguably still accept a charge at the position, even with four accomplished veterans currently on the roster.

For one, there accept been letters for months advertence that the Patriots could move on from Danny Amendola or try to rework his contract. The seven-year adept enters his fourth year with the Patriots, and will calculation added adjoin the bacon cap than either Edelman ($4.4 million) or bound end Rob Gronkowski ($6.6 million).

One of the two receivers they active during the off season, Nate Washington, is alone on a one-year accord account $985,000. Even if he performs well, the Patriots will charge a minimum of one receiver — if not two — by the alpha of the 2017 season.

Why not get advanced of the ambit by alpha to advance a adolescent receiver like Boyd?

The alone botheration is, the Patriots’ history of drafting and developing advanced receivers is shaky, at best.

They’ve had some notable hits, such as Edelman, Deion Branch, David Givens, and others. But they’ve had as abounding memorable misses; who could overlook Chad Jackson, Bethel Johnson, and Taylor Price? They’ve brought in some concise fixes, like Randy Moss and Brandon LaFell; they’ve even begin some abiding fixes, like Welker and Amendola, entering his fourth year.

But they’re still cat-and-mouse for that young, blossom advanced receiver to acceleration through the ranks and advance into a star.

Part of the botheration is a alteration that is difficult in general. As a advanced receiver, jumping from academy to able football agency acquirements new routes, acquirements new defenses, and adverse added concrete cornerbacks than any they’ve apparent before. Addition allotment of the problem? The Patriots’ breach is acutely close and difficult for an admission amateur to absorb.

“There are analytical issues, there are some advice issues just in agreement of I would say offensively how teams operate,” said Nick Caserio, the Patriots’ administrator of amateur personnel. “There’s a lot of advice that comes from the sideline. You’re basically searching at one accurate alone or one drillmaster for a duke arresting or a amount or you’re searching up at the cards. A lot of teams use those in academy so you’re basically wiping the slate apple-pie and you’re basically starting at a altered point I would say behindhand of the position so you accept to yield that all into application and again activity them into your arrangement and the things that you’re traveling to ask them to do.”

If one receiver has apparent the abeyant to affected those obstacles to be an able receiver for the Patriots, it’s Boyd. He may not be the activating “deep threat” a lot of Patriots admirers crave, but his accomplishment set makes him a bigger fit for the Patriots’ breach than about any added receiver that’s accessible in this year’s class.

His reliability, and flexibility, would attach him to the Patriots in their seek for a abiding band-aid at advanced receiver, a position area they’ve always aqueduct taped fixes year afterwards year.


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