ANTIGUA: Legend cricketer Sir Vivian Richards has said that International Candid Council (ICC) had altered rules for its affiliate countries.

In an account to a adopted account agency, Richards airtight ICC over reprimanding West Indies ancillary afterward their Apple Twenty20 win. He said that the associates are captivated to altered standards and India accept been accustomed a chargeless canyon due to its financal position.

“There are rules in the
one-day bold beneath the advocacy of the ICC, like for instance the arrangement area you go aback to the third adjudicator and things like that,” Richards said.

“So if you are the sole administering physique of apple cricket, again anybody should be advancing beneath the aforementioned umbrella. The Indians do not play assertive things the ICC may accept in its rules,” he said.

It should be acclaimed that batsman Marlon Samuels was fined over adulatory his side’s Apple T20 win by removing his shirt and was aswell complex in a argument with England’s Ben Stokes. Skipper Darren Sammy had criticized the West Indies Candid Board (WICB) during the column bout presentation as well.

The above West Indies batsman believed that the cricket’s administering physique has altered rules for altered teams.

“When you attending about the apple in agreement of the babyminding of the ICC, there are rules for some and not for others,” he said.

The administering physique of the action had declared that the statements and accomplishments of the West Indies aggregation had brought abasement to the event.


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