Pakistani extra Veena Malik aswell poked fun at accompanist Taher Shah in acknowledgment to his latest individual ‘Angel’.

Following his latest song Angel Pakistani accompanist Taher Shah has been accepting abuse from all abode of the world. Admirers couldn’t advice but beam at the antic video of the accompanist dressed as an angel as able-bodied as his brand awkward English lyrics.

Well, Veena took to her Twitter annual and uploaded a abbreviate video blow of her daughter. She captioned it by claiming that her babe listened to the Angel song and was ‘shocked and saddened’. In the video clip, Veena’s babe can be apparent watching the video of Angel intently.

So far, Taher Shah has not responded to his critics but thanked his admirers common for allowance the video ability two actor angle in just forty-eight hours. Will Taher Shah acknowledge to Veena Malik’s antic or will he tend to avoid it? Only time will tell.


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