MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO)  Accompaniment bloom admiral appear Wednesday that new letters of HIV/AIDS in Minnesota appearance assertive populations application the virus added than others, such as adolescent adults in the Twin Cities, humans of blush and those who use intravenous drugs.

The Minnesota Department of Bloom says that while the absolute bulk of HIV diagnoses endure year (294) was hardly lower than the bulk from 2014 (306), accurate groups saw a cogent bulk of the new cases.

For instance, 58 percent of anew appear cases in 2015 were from humans of color. A part of women, added than bisected of all new
cases were from African-born individuals, admiral said. For men, added than a fourth of all new cases were from African-American individuals.

Those application intravenous drugs saw a fasten in new cases, accretion by 86 percent. While they alone accounted for 26 of the new 2015 cases, they mostly occurred with adolescent white men in the Twin Cities and with gay men.

The bulk of adolescent adults who apprenticed the virus jumped significantly, accounting for added than a third of the absolute bulk of new cases. Admiral say that HIV cases a part of humans in their 20s climbed 24 percent, with a lot of cases occurring in the metro, a part of humans of blush and gay men.

Minnesota Commissioner of Bloom Dr. Ed Ehlinger says the communities seeing college HIV ante are those with bound admission to HIV testing and longstanding social, medical and assets disadvantages.

Health admiral say HIV infection is awful preventable and that sexually alive individuals can abstain it best by consistently application condoms, attached their bulk of animal ally and not administration needles.

For those at a abundant accident of accepting HIV – such as humans with a top bulk of animal ally or intravenous biologic users – it’s appropriate they yield a circadian blockage bolus accepted as a PrEP. The bolus can be acquired through bloom affliction providers and the Minnesota AIDS Project.

A annual HIV screening is recommended for anyone who’s had caught sex, a new animal accomplice or has aggregate needles.

Officials say that back the AIDS catching bankrupt out in the 1980s, there’s been added than 11,000 cases appear in Minnesota. An estimated 8,215 humans reside with AIDS in the state


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