An Apple Inc agent was begin asleep on Wednesday at the company's Silicon Valley headquarters, badge said, with bounded media advertisement that the victim had suffered a arch anguish and a gun was apparent abreast his body.

Sergeant Andrea Urena of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office told reporters at a columnist appointment that assembly were alleged to Apple's capital offices in Cupertino at 8:35 a.m. PDT(1535 GMT).

"When assembly responded to the campus they begin one
alone macho down and bent he was deceased," Urena said.

"Further analysis bent that no added individuals were involved. We accept this to be an abandoned adventure and that cipher abroad on campus or in the accessible is at risk," she added.

Urena said that Santa Clara County Coroner's board would conduct an dissection to ascertain the could cause and address of death. She said authorities were not analytic for any suspects.

The San Jose Mercury News, citation emergency celerity calls, said antecedent calls to badge appear a man with a arch wound.

Dispatch audio acquaint on the newspaper's website aswell shows that the anonymous victim was begin in a appointment allowance on the campus with a gun.

Urena beneath to animadversion on those letters at the columnist conference.

A backer for Apple beneath to animadversion on the investigation, apropos reporters to the sheriff's department.

The alleged Infinite Bend campus was calm on a algid and airy day in burghal Cupertino. A car for the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Administration could be spotted in the parking lot, as able-bodied as a scattering of white Apple aegis cars with aflame chicken lights on top.

The Infinite Bend campus is the hub for Apple's all-inclusive workforce in Cupertino, which numbers 16,000 employees, according to a 2013 address on the company's bread-and-butter impact. The aggregation is amalgam addition campus in the city, a massive bend of bottle generally likened to a spaceship.

Apple on Tuesday appear its first-ever abatement in iPhone sales and its aboriginal acquirement bead in 13 years.


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