NEW YORK— Democratic presidential applicant Hillary Clinton and Ambassador Bill de Blasio are getting criticized for what some say was a racist antic they fabricated at a
alms accident .

The antic in catechism was fabricated backward Saturday night at the anniversary Inner Circle Show.

Hillary Clinton's presidential attack has anointed her aged attempts to bash a New York City alms agenda endure anniversary on its own website — as an absurdity message.

As cameras whirred and clicked, Clinton approved 5 times to bash a agenda to access the alms Thursday — earning the derision of the bounded tabloids and "Saturday Night Live."

Since then, she's been aggravating to defuse the bloomer by dabbling fun at it. Saturday, she showed up at an anniversary New York alms accident to appear in a absurdity allurement Ambassador Bill de Blasio to "please fix these Metro Card slots in the subway."

“I just accept to say acknowledgment for the endorsement, Bill. Took you continued enough,” Clinton joked.

De Blasio responded, “Sorry Hillary, I was active on C.P. time ,” as the army was taken ashamed somewhat from the joke.

Actor Leslie Odom Jr., who plays Aaron Burr in “Hamilton,” said, “I don’t like jokes like that, Bill.”

allurement Ambassador Bill de Blasio to "please fix these Metro Card slots in the subway."

And now Clinton's attack website is announcement a gif of her declining to get through the alms turnstiles if you try to go to a page that doesn't exist

“Cautious baby-kisser time,” Clinton said in the punchline. “I’ve been there.”

However, the antic fell collapsed with some critics. Slate declared the antic as “cringe worthy”; Raw Story alleged it “painful”; and Town Hall said, “It’s alone racist if Republicans do it.”

De Blasio told CNN that “people are missing the point” of the joke.

“It was acutely a staged show. It was a scripted appearance and the accomplished abstraction was to do the adverse automatic and say, ‘Cautious baby-kisser time,’” the ambassador explained. “Every amateur involved, including Hillary Clinton and Leslie Odom Jr., anticipation it was a antic on a altered convention. That was the accomplished abstraction of it.”

The mayor’s appointment said the antic was not advised to offend.

“Let’s be clear, in an black of satire, the alone being this was meant to apish was the Ambassador himself, period,” a agent told CBS News in a statement. “Certainly no one advised to affront anyone.”

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