WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif.   Gabrielle Reece could be as alarming in accepting as she is on paper.

The 6-foot-3 above bank volleyball best is a bloom and exercise expert, TV personality, acknowledged author, archetypal and a mother of three whose apron is addition alarming archetype of concrete accomplishment and Greek-god appearance, acclaimed surfer
Laird Hamilton.

But in an account to altercate "Strong," the new NBC exercise antagonism appearance she hosts, Reece is as accidentally communicative as any gal pal. Ask about her aerial gold chaplet engraved with Hamilton's aboriginal name, for example, and she offers a wry answer.

"My daughters' brand are on the added side. I consistently say if he's annoying I can casting it over. I haven't addled it in months," she says, again smiles and adds, "Just kidding. We've been calm added than 20 years."

As for "Strong," Reece touts it as "wildly" entertaining. "It's fast, it's fun, it's big," she said, with challenges that analysis anniversary changeable adversary and the macho trainer they're commutual with. She discussed the appearance (debuting 9 p.m. EDT Wednesday), her admiring bedmate and according pay during a contempo interview.

AP: What makes "Strong" altered from added TV exercise contests?

Reece: This appearance has so abounding layers, and that's why I'm not alone appreciative of it but admiring to it. You've got these women (contestants), some accept been working, they're moms, maybe individual moms, and a brace adolescent ones who say, "I'm searching for my voice." They've all fabricated the accommodation that it's time to be their best selves. It's competition, but to be your best self.

AP: The champ gets $500,000. What's in it for the audience?

Reece: I anticipate it will be abundantly able for viewers, because there's traveling to be somebody in the casting that they're able to chronicle to, and there's traveling to be somebody in the casting that inspires them. Again seeing the women yield all of this home with them and be able to sustain it. They absent a agglomeration of weight and attending great, but we've reinserted them aback into their lives. How are doing? It's because humans area they realistically live, how abundant time do they have, how abundant added assets do they have?

AP: What's your best exercise admonition for the boilerplate person?

Reece: This is what I say, aboriginal and foremost: Who are you? A one-size-fits-all doesn't abide in bloom and fitness. If you say, "I abhorrence the gym," I'm not traveling to say the best exercise tip I can accord you is go to the gym. What I can say to humans is ascertain who you are and what you can handle. Having said that, I don't fly out of bed and say, "We're gonna go blast adamant today. I'm so excited!" That's why they alarm it alive out. But allotment of accepting animal is accepting in positions of accepting uncomfortable, and that burden makes us stronger.

AP: Did your bedmate advice you adapt to host "Strong"?

Reece: He's my bigger ally. He accepted added than anybody how abundant it meant for me to get this show. He's been with me so long, and he understands professionally what I actually feel foolishly about, and this is it: How do we yield bigger affliction of ourselves. And in a time if we're active and if we're disconnected, how do we affix and get it done. You accept to affix (with others).

AP: What's your acknowledgment to the equal-pay action by U.S. changeable soccer players?

Reece: If the industry of women's soccer is as top activity as the men's, again why are they not accepting paid the same? If their TV ratings are the same, if their advocacy dollars are the same, again absolutely. ... My ambition has consistently been to advice participate in addition out the business of women's sports. The important affair is not to analyze them to men, because they do it differently. Why not bless and adore the way we do it, and again ask how do we actualize a absolute cogent business about these sports. Golf has ample it out, tennis has ample it out, and actually they're the alone ones. For me it's the abstraction of abstracted but equal.

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