PHNOM PENH: Cambodia’s sole commuter alternation resumed a approved weekend account Saturday afterwards getting abeyant for years, with Prime Minister Hun Sen aggressive aboard to inaugurate the aboriginal trip.

“Today is a actual important day for the railway,” John Guiry, Royal Railway Cambodia’s CEO, told AFP afore the alternation formed out of the basic Phnom Penh for Sihanoukville, a southwestern seaport.

The Southeast Asian country has added than 600 kilometres (375 miles) of clue extending from its arctic bound with
Thailand down to the southern coast, but decades of war and carelessness accept larboard all-inclusive stretches of the arrangement damaged.

“The alternation and railway were about absolutely destroyed by war added than 40 years ago,” Hun Sen wrote on Facebook — a appointment the absolutist has accepted with appetite in contempo months.

“Because our country is now at peace, we accept the befalling to clean our carriage infrastructure,” he added.

The premier, who has been in ability for added than three decades, aswell appear several dozen photos of himself greeting bounded cartage and chatting to orange-robed monks in the arranged alternation cars.

The about 270-kilometre route, which passes through farmland and follows allotment of the country’s breathtaking coast, was reopened to commuter cars for a balloon aeon during the Khmer new year anniversary beforehand this month.

Trains will now run already a day in either administration from Friday through Sunday.


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