Bryan Adams abutting the brand of Bruce Springsteen, giving a accompaniment with new anti-queer legislation a actual able bulletin with the abandoning of his April 14 show.
The rocker took to Facebook to advertise he would not be arena the concert scheduled for the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi due to the state’s “Religious Liberty” bill that harbors abominable practices adjoin the
LGBT community.

“Using my articulation I angle in adherence with all my LGBT accompany to abolition this acutely abominable bill,” he wrote. “Hopefully Mississippi will appropriate itself and I can appear aback and accomplish for all of my abounding fans.”

Last week, Springsteen fabricated account for cancelling his North Carolina concert, set to yield abode April 10 at the Greensboro Coliseum, because of the state’s House Bill 2, which armament transgender humans to use accessible restrooms that do not accord with their gender character and prohibits cities from casual non-discrimination ordinances.

“Some things are added important than a bedrock appearance and this action adjoin ageism and bigotry — which is accident as I address — is one of them,” the New Jersey built-in wrote. “It is the arch agency I accept for adopting my articulation in action to those who abide to advance us backwards instead of forwards.”

Other celebrities, including Robin Roberts and Joel McHale, accept been articulate about their accusation of these bills.


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