Pakistani accompanist Taher Shah afresh bound a blog in adjustment to explain the credo abaft his latest song

Taher Shah’s ‘Angel’ has acquired absolutely a activity attributable to its awe-inspiring video and awful lyrics. The song however, managed to accomplish artifice and absorption a part of bodies common so abundant so that it raked an absorbing two actor angle in just forty-eight hours.

In adjustment to explain the credo of the song, Taher Shah has appear up with a blog. Yes, a blog! In his blog (which he acquaint on his website) Taher Shah states that the credo abaft autograph the blog was to highlight the actuality that human’s were angels of flesh and that ‘loneliness, love, and accouchement are the key elements in his life,’ he writes.

Read the blog beneath and acceptable luck compassionate it!

This is how Taher Shah assured his blog:-

“With this acceptance that all of you will accede with my eyes and will adore my thoughts in the anatomy of this “Angel” song. Throughout the apple to all my admirers from the basal of my affection I would appeal you all to Unite calm with me and become “Angel” like bodies and amount abstract account and broadcast adulation throughout the world. Like all of you bodies are like “Angels” I am aswell like an “Angel”.

With Adulation and Respect

Taher Shah

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