For the additional time in 18 months, the WWE World Heavyweight Appellation will be alone because of injury, as Seth Rollins tore his ACL angry a bout in Dublin.
On Wednesday night, chat starting advancing out that Seth Rollins suffered an abrasion angry adjoin Kane. Cell buzz footage anon followed, which showed Rollins attempting a dusk cast powerbomb from the top turnbuckle. He addled over Kane, and as anon as he landed, his appropriate leg crumpled, and he went down to the mat. He approved to continue, but couldn't, and the bout was chock-full as he was helped to the back.

Early letters seemed positive, adage that he just tweaked it and could abide the European tour. However, the affliction fears concluded up getting accurate afterwards tests, as WWE appear that Rollins tore his ACL and MCL, would be out 6-9 months and would accept to cost the appellation immediately.
With the appellation vacated, the WWE bound appear that there would be a clash captivated at Survivor Series to acme a new champion. The complete architecture isn't accepted yet, but it's a fair bet that there will be condoning matches on the accessible Raws, with the final four or appropriate aggressive at Survivor Series.
This wouldn't be the aboriginal time that a clash for a alone WWE appellation was captivated at Survivor Series. In 1998, the appellation was alone (in storyline, not for an injury) and they captivated the Deadly Game” clash to actuate the champion. The Rock accumbent with Vince McMahon to become the Corporate Best at the end of the night.

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