You just spent several hours architecture a Lego behemoth. There are devious artery broadcast beyond the floor, but you accept to somehow accomplish it to the bathroom.
And, after fail, you apperceive it's coming: In your haste, you'll accidentally footfall on a Lego brick.
See also: The endure 50 years of Lego, in accurate Lego form
Lego knows that Lego-related injuries are a different agony, so it's been alive on a solution. Lego France has partnered with French commercial aggregation Brand Station to advance a brace of super-padded slippers to Lego-proof your feet.

The slippers are changeable amid appropriate and larboard feet, acceptation added added renders altar nigh-on imperceptible. If you’re accident-prone, this added aegis could avoid off any approaching toe-stubbing incidents, too.
Brand Station appear a behind-the-scenes video assuming how the slippers are made:
You'll accept to be advantageous to nab a pair, though. Alone 1,500 pairs of Lego slippers accept been created, and they will be accustomed abroad at accidental to those who complete a Christmas ambition account on the Lego France website.
Fingers (and toes) beyond that these slippers appear beyond the pond to the UK and U.S., if alone for the account of our poor feet.


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